Top Email Marketing Best Practices for Business Growth

July 24, 2024
By Magee Clegg

Open uping Growth with Email Marketing Best Practices

When it comes to email marketing best practices, small and medium-sized business owners can see significant growth. If you’re looking for quick ways to boost your email strategy, consider these crucial steps right now:

  1. Use segmentation to tailor messages to different audience groups.
  2. Personalize your content to increase engagement.
  3. Leverage automation to streamline your campaigns.
  4. Optimize emails for mobile to ensure accessibility.
  5. Include interactive content like videos and surveys.
  6. Track key metrics to measure success.
  7. Ensure legal compliance to avoid penalties.

Email marketing can offer impressive returns on investment if executed correctly. It allows you direct access to your subscribers’ inboxes, bypassing search engine and social media algorithms. With a solid data-based strategy, email marketing not only improves your reach but also ensures you’re sending high-quality, relevant content to an eager audience.

By following best practices, you’ll avoid common pitfalls and potentially speed up progress towards your goals. Tools like email service providers assist in legal compliance while offering metrics to gauge your effectiveness. These tools also facilitate automation, enabling scalable campaigns with minimal effort.

I’m Magee Clegg, the founder and CEO of Cleartail Marketing. Since 2014, I’ve been helping B2B companies grow through effective email marketing strategies. By adhering to email marketing best practices, I’ve helped clients achieve remarkable results. Now, let’s dive deeper into how you can leverage these strategies for your business growth.

Top email marketing practices infographic - email marketing best practices infographic roadmap-5-steps

7 Essential Email Marketing Strategies

Email marketing is a powerful tool for business growth. By following these email marketing best practices, you can ensure your campaigns are effective and engaging. Let’s explore seven essential strategies to lift your email marketing game.


Segmentation involves dividing your email list into smaller groups based on specific criteria like demographics, interests, or geographic location. This allows you to send more relevant content to each group.

  • Demographics: Age, gender, and income level can influence the type of content your audience finds appealing.
  • Interests: Tailor your emails to what your subscribers care about. For example, a travel agency might send trip travel deals to thrill-seekers and luxury travel packages to those interested in relaxation.
  • Geographic Location: Send targeted promotions and events based on where your subscribers live. This ensures the content is relevant to their location.


Personalization goes beyond just using your subscriber’s name. It involves creating dynamic content and using AI to analyze behavior, ensuring each email feels tailor-made.

  • Dynamic Content: Change parts of your email content based on the recipient’s preferences or past behavior.
  • AI Behavior Analysis: Use AI to predict what your subscribers are interested in and send them personalized recommendations.


Automation helps you manage your email marketing efficiently. By setting up drip campaigns and other automated messaging, you can nurture leads and engage with customers without manual effort.

  • Drip Campaigns: Send a series of automated emails based on specific actions or timelines, like a welcome series for new subscribers.
  • Automated Messaging: Trigger emails based on user behavior, such as abandoned cart reminders or re-engagement campaigns.


Optimizing your emails ensures they perform well. This involves A/B testing and tracking key metrics.

  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different subject lines, email designs, and CTAs to see what works best. For example, test whether a red or green CTA button gets more clicks.
  • Metrics Tracking: Monitor open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates to understand how your emails are performing and make data-driven decisions.

Mobile Responsiveness

With more people checking emails on their phones, having a responsive design is crucial. Ensure your emails look good on any device.

  • Responsive Design: Use templates that adjust to different screen sizes, making it easy to read on both mobile and desktop.
  • Mobile-Friendly Templates: Keep your email width between 500 to 650 pixels to avoid horizontal scrolling and improve readability.

Interactive Content

Interactive content can make your emails more engaging. This includes hover effects, hide-reveal states, and product review forms.

  • Hover Effects: Add elements that change when the user hovers over them, like color changes or animations.
  • Hide-Reveal States: Use click-to-reveal content to make your emails interactive.
  • Product Review Forms: Include forms within your emails for easy feedback collection.


Analytics help you understand your audience and improve your email campaigns. Track metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates to gauge performance.

  • Open Rates: Measure the percentage of recipients who open your emails. This can indicate how compelling your subject lines are.
  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): Track how many people click on links within your email. This shows how engaging your content is.
  • Bounce Rates: Monitor the percentage of emails that couldn’t be delivered. High bounce rates can harm your sender reputation.

By leveraging these email marketing best practices, you can create effective and engaging campaigns that drive business growth. Next, let’s explore how to design and craft compelling email content.

Best Practices for Email Design and Content

Consistent Design

To build trust and recognition, your emails should have a consistent design. This means using the same branding elements like logos, colors, and fonts in every email. Consistency helps your audience quickly identify your emails and associate them with your brand.

Using templates can make this easier. Templates ensure that each email follows the same structure, which not only saves time but also maintains a professional look. According to a 2021 study by Red Sift and Entrust, including a logo in your emails can increase open rates by 21% and brand recall by 18%.

Compelling Subject Lines

Your subject line is the first thing recipients see, so make it count. A good subject line should be between 30 and 50 characters to avoid being cut off by email clients. It should also create a sense of urgency or curiosity to encourage opens.

For instance, using personalization like including the recipient’s name can make your subject line stand out. Adding emojis can also lighten the mood and grab attention. However, avoid being misleading, as this can harm your credibility.

Clear Copy

When it comes to email copy, concise, relevant, and scannable content is key. The average time spent reading an email is just eight seconds, so get to the point quickly. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and headers to make your content easy to digest.

Start with a strong headline or image to grab attention, provide context about the purpose of the email, and close with a clear call to action (CTA).

Multimedia Elements

Visuals can make your emails more engaging, but they should improve, not replace, your copy. Images and videos can convey your message faster and evoke emotions, but remember to include alt text for those who can’t view them.

Using visuals sparingly and ensuring they are optimized for quick loading can prevent your email from being marked as spam. A responsive design is crucial to ensure your email looks good on both desktop and mobile devices.

Customer Voices

Including testimonials and reviews in your emails can build trust and credibility. Real customer voices can make your brand more relatable and trustworthy.

Showcasing positive feedback from satisfied customers can also encourage new prospects to take action. For example, a testimonial about a successful customer experience can be a powerful motivator for others to engage with your brand.

By focusing on these email marketing best practices, you can create emails that not only look good but also deliver results. Next, we’ll dive into legal compliance and deliverability to ensure your emails reach your audience effectively.

Legal Compliance and Deliverability

Legal Compliance

Understanding and adhering to legal requirements is crucial for successful email marketing. Let’s break down the key regulations and compliance measures you need to follow.


The CAN-SPAM Act is a U.S. law that sets the rules for commercial emails. It gives recipients the right to stop receiving emails from you and spells out tough penalties for violations. To comply, always:

  • Include a clear and conspicuous opt-out option.
  • Use accurate “from” and “reply-to” addresses.
  • Avoid misleading subject lines.
  • Include your physical address in every email.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to any company that processes personal data of individuals in the EU. Key requirements include:

  • Obtaining explicit consent from users before sending emails.
  • Providing clear information on how their data will be used.
  • Offering an easy way to opt-out at any time.


Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) requires businesses to obtain consent before sending commercial emails. Similar to GDPR, it emphasizes:

  • Express consent from recipients.
  • Clear identification of the sender.
  • An easy unsubscribe mechanism.


The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) focuses on data privacy for California residents. While it doesn’t specifically target email marketing, it requires:

  • Transparency about data collection and usage.
  • Allowing users to opt-out of data sharing.


Deliverability is all about ensuring your emails land in your recipients’ inboxes, not their spam folders. Here are some best practices to improve your email deliverability.

Opt-In Systems

Using a double opt-in method can significantly improve your deliverability. This method requires users to confirm their subscription by clicking a link in a confirmation email, ensuring they genuinely want to receive your emails.

Unsubscribe Options

Always include a clear and easy way for recipients to unsubscribe. Not only is this a legal requirement, but it also helps maintain a healthy email list by removing uninterested contacts.

Custom Domains

Sending emails from a custom domain (e.g., [email protected]) can improve your credibility and improve deliverability. ISPs are more likely to trust emails from custom domains over generic ones like Gmail or Yahoo.

Professional Tools

Using a professional email service provider (ESP) like Twilio SendGrid can help manage compliance and deliverability. These tools offer:

  • Actionable analytics to track open and click-through rates.
  • List segmentation to target specific audiences.
  • Automation features for efficient campaign management.

Sender Reputation

Your sender reputation is a score ISPs use to determine the trustworthiness of your emails. To maintain a good sender reputation:

  • Send emails consistently.
  • Avoid large spikes in email volume.
  • Monitor and address bounce rates and spam complaints.

By focusing on legal compliance and deliverability, you can ensure your email marketing efforts are effective and trustworthy. Next, we’ll explore the timing and frequency of emails to maximize engagement.

Timing and Frequency of Emails

Right Time

Timing in email marketing is crucial. Sending emails when your audience is most likely to engage can significantly boost your success rate.

Research shows that the best time to send emails can vary based on your target audience, industry, and geographic location. However, some general guidelines can help:

  • Early morning: Many people check their emails first thing in the morning.
  • Mid-week: Tuesdays and Wednesdays tend to have higher open rates.
  • Mid-day: Sending emails around lunch time can catch people when they’re taking a break.

Don’t forget to consider time zones if you have a global audience. Tools like send-time optimization algorithms can help by adjusting the send-time for each subscriber based on their previous behavior.

Email Cadence

Email cadence refers to the frequency and timing of your emails. A consistent and well-thought-out cadence can keep your audience engaged without overwhelming them.

Welcome Series

A welcome series is essential for new subscribers. It helps them get acquainted with your brand and sets the tone for future communications.

  • Day 1: Welcome email, thanking them for subscribing.
  • Day 5: Follow-up email with additional resources or a special offer.
  • Day 10: Another touchpoint to keep them engaged, perhaps with a customer success story or testimonial.

Re-engagement Campaigns

For subscribers who haven’t engaged with your emails in a while, re-engagement campaigns can help bring them back.

  • Initial re-engagement email: Remind them of the value you provide.
  • Follow-up email: Offer an incentive, like a discount or exclusive content.
  • Final attempt: If they still don’t engage, consider removing them from your list to maintain a healthy sender reputation.


Finding the right frequency for your emails is a balancing act. Too many emails can lead to unsubscribes and spam complaints, while too few can result in low engagement.

Avoiding Spam

  • Monitor engagement rates: High open and click-through rates indicate that your frequency is appropriate.
  • Pay attention to unsubscribe rates: A spike in unsubscribes may mean you’re sending too many emails.
  • Use segmentation: Tailor the frequency based on the preferences and behaviors of different segments of your audience.

Maintaining Interest

  • Consistent schedule: If you promise a weekly newsletter, stick to that schedule.
  • Value-driven content: Ensure every email offers something valuable, whether it’s information, discounts, or entertainment.
  • Feedback loops: Regularly ask your audience for feedback on your email frequency and content.

By fine-tuning the timing and frequency of your emails, you can maximize engagement and build stronger relationships with your audience.

Next, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about email marketing best practices.

Frequently Asked Questions about Email Marketing Best Practices

What are the 7 email marketing strategies?

  1. Segmentation: Break your email list into smaller groups based on demographics, interests, or geographic location. This ensures that each segment receives content that is most relevant to them, increasing engagement and reducing unsubscribe rates.

  2. Personalization: Use dynamic content and AI behavior analysis to tailor emails to individual preferences. Personalization can include using the recipient’s name, recommending products based on past purchases, or sending birthday wishes.

  3. Automation: Implement drip campaigns and automated messaging to nurture leads and maintain consistent communication without manual effort. This can include welcome series, re-engagement campaigns, and abandoned cart reminders.

  4. Optimization: Conduct A/B testing and track key metrics like open rates and click-through rates to continually improve your email campaigns. This helps you understand what works best for your audience and refine your strategy accordingly.

  5. Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure your emails look great on all devices by using responsive design and mobile-friendly templates. With more people checking emails on their phones, this is crucial for maintaining engagement.

  6. Interactive Content: Incorporate elements like hover effects, hide-reveal states, and product review forms to make your emails more engaging. Interactive content can significantly boost click-through rates and user interaction.

  7. Analytics: Regularly monitor open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates to gauge the success of your campaigns. Use this data to make informed decisions and optimize future emails.

What are the best practices when advertising on email marketing?

  1. Consistent Design: Use branding and templates to create a cohesive look and feel across all your emails. This helps build brand recognition and trust with your audience.

  2. Compelling Subject Lines: Craft subject lines that create urgency, curiosity, or personalization. Adding emojis can also make your emails stand out in crowded inboxes.

  3. Clear Copy: Keep your content concise, relevant, and easy to scan. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to make your emails more readable.

  4. Multimedia Elements: Include images and videos to make your emails more engaging. Always provide alt text for images to ensure accessibility.

  5. Customer Voices: Feature testimonials and reviews to build credibility and trust. Hearing from other customers can be a powerful motivator for potential buyers.

How to perfect email marketing?

  1. Business Personality: Show your brand’s personality in your emails. Whether it’s a casual tone or a more professional approach, consistency in voice helps build a connection with your audience.

  2. True Subject Lines: Be honest and straightforward in your subject lines. Misleading subjects can harm your credibility and increase unsubscribe rates.

  3. Enticing Preheader Text: Use the preheader text to complement your subject line and provide additional context. This is your chance to grab the reader’s attention and encourage them to open the email.

  4. Clear and Concise Content: Get to the point quickly. With an average reading time of just eight seconds, make sure your key message is clear and easy to find.

By following these email marketing best practices, you can create campaigns that not only engage your audience but also drive significant business growth.

Next, we’ll dig into the conclusion, summarizing how Cleartail Marketing can help you achieve these results.


At Cleartail Marketing, we understand the power of email marketing best practices in driving business growth. Our approach is backed by proven results and strong client relationships.

Proven Results

We’ve helped numerous businesses boost their revenue and customer engagement through strategic email marketing campaigns. For instance, saw a 278% revenue growth within just 12 months of working with us. This success story is a testament to our expertise and commitment to delivering results.

Strong Client Relationships

Our clients are not just customers; they are partners. We work closely with each client to understand their unique needs and goals. This collaborative approach ensures that our email marketing strategies are custom to drive the best possible outcomes.

Serving Clients in the US and Canada

While our headquarters is based in the US, we proudly serve clients across North America, including Canada. Our team is well-versed in both US and Canadian email marketing regulations, ensuring your campaigns are compliant with laws like CAN-SPAM and GDPR.

By choosing Cleartail Marketing, you’re partnering with a team dedicated to helping your business grow through effective and compliant email marketing strategies. Ready to take your email marketing to the next level? Contact us today!

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