Automation in Marketing: What Jobs Will and Won’t Be Automated?

May 16, 2024
By Magee Clegg


Will marketing be automated? The short answer: Yes, but not entirely.

Telemarketers and advertising salespeople face high risks of job automation, with telemarketers almost certain to see their roles replaced by AI. However, marketing managers and roles that require creativity and strategic thinking are much less likely to be fully automated.

The emergence of AI is reshaping the marketing landscape, promising to automate tedious tasks and dramatically enhance efficiency. Yet, this raises critical questions about which jobs will remain and which will vanish. As AI advances, the roles of many marketers will evolve, demanding adaptation and new skills.

At Cleartail Marketing, we recognize these shifts and are committed to helping businesses harmonize human creativity with AI’s capabilities. We believe the future of marketing lies in blending technology with human insight, ensuring high job satisfaction and performance.

For now, let’s explore how this transformation is unfolding and what it means for your role in the marketing industry.

Future of marketing jobs infographic - will marketing be automated infographic infographic-4-steps-tech

The Current State of Marketing Automation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing marketing. It’s not just a buzzword; it’s a powerful tool changing how we work.

AI encompasses technologies like machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and image recognition. These tools are at varying levels of maturity but are already making a significant impact.

AI in Marketing

AI helps marketers by automating repetitive tasks, analyzing large datasets, and making data-driven decisions. For example, Automated Insights generates data-driven narratives at scale. This means more personalized and timely content for customers.

Machine Learning

Machine learning enables systems to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. A notable example is PaveAI, which automates reporting in Google Analytics. It can analyze data faster and more accurately than humans, providing real-time insights.

Natural Language Processing

NLP allows machines to understand and respond to human language. Phrasee uses NLP to write better email subject lines than humans. This leads to higher open rates and more effective email campaigns.

Image Recognition

Image recognition technology can identify objects, people, and text within images. This capability is essential for social media platforms and e-commerce sites. For instance, platforms can automatically tag products in photos, making it easier for users to find and buy items.

Marketing Automation Tools

Several marketing automation platforms are integrating AI to enhance their capabilities. HubSpot has added predictive lead scoring and AI-powered content recommendations to its platform. This helps marketers focus on the most promising leads and deliver relevant content.

Salesforce is also making strides with its Einstein AI system, which is integrated across its core product suite. Einstein helps with everything from lead scoring to customer service, making Salesforce a more powerful tool for marketers.

Real-World Examples

Consider how Landbot uses AI for qualifying leads and automating customer onboarding. They segment users based on their journey and retarget them with personalized email campaigns. This level of automation saves time and increases efficiency.

Another example is Aito, an AI startup that uses Encharge to automate behavior-based trigger email campaigns. They send automated emails to users who get stuck on their platform, offering support and increasing user satisfaction.

The Human Element

Despite these advancements, AI can’t replace human creativity and empathy. AI tools can assist but not replicate the nuanced understanding and emotional intelligence humans bring to marketing.


AI is an accelerant, not a replacement. It helps marketers do their jobs better and faster but doesn’t replace the need for human insight and creativity. As AI continues to evolve, marketers must adapt and learn to use these tools effectively.

For the next section, we’ll dive into Will Marketing Be Automated?, exploring which marketing jobs are most likely to be automated and which will remain human-centric.

Will Marketing Be Automated?

The question “will marketing be automated?” is on many marketers’ minds. The answer is nuanced. AI is already transforming marketing, but it won’t take over all roles. Instead, it will automate repetitive tasks, enhance efficiency, and complement human creativity and decision-making.

AI’s Role in Marketing

AI is becoming a vital tool in marketing. It excels at tasks like data analysis, predictive analytics, and even content generation. For example, tools like Automated Insights can create data-driven narratives, and Phrasee can write better email subject lines than humans.

Automation of Repetitive Tasks

AI shines in automating repetitive tasks. Systems like PaveAI automate reporting in Google Analytics, and HubSpot uses AI for predictive lead scoring and content recommendations. This frees up marketers to focus on more strategic activities.

Efficiency Improvements

AI can process data faster and more accurately than humans. This leads to significant efficiency improvements. For example, Salesforce’s Einstein AI integrates across its product suite to provide real-time insights and recommendations, making marketing operations more efficient.

Human Creativity and Empathy

Despite AI’s capabilities, it lacks human creativity and empathy. AI can generate content, but it can’t create original ideas or write with genuine human emotion. Human marketers excel at building relationships and creating content that resonates on an emotional level. For instance, while AI can suggest the best time to send an email, it can’t craft a message that truly connects with the audience.


AI can inform decisions with data, but it can’t make strategic decisions. Marketers must interpret AI-generated insights and apply them in context. AI lacks the emotional intelligence and understanding of nuance required for high-level decision-making.

AI Hallucinations

AI isn’t infallible. It can make mistakes, sometimes generating incorrect or misleading information—known as “AI hallucinations.” This is why human oversight is crucial. Marketers need to validate AI-generated insights to ensure accuracy and relevance.

In the next section, we’ll explore which marketing jobs are most likely to be automated and which roles will remain human-centric.

Jobs Likely to Be Automated

As AI continues to evolve, certain marketing jobs are more likely to be automated than others. Here are some roles that could be significantly impacted:


Telemarketing involves repetitive tasks like cold calling and following scripts. AI-powered systems can handle these tasks efficiently. Automated systems can make calls, respond to basic queries, and even schedule follow-ups. This reduces the need for human telemarketers and allows companies to scale their efforts without increasing headcount.

Advertising Salespeople

Advertising sales involve pitching ad space and negotiating deals. AI can automate much of this process. Programmatic advertising platforms already use AI to buy and sell ad space in real time, targeting specific audiences more accurately than humans can. This trend is likely to continue, reducing the need for traditional advertising sales roles.

Data Analysis

AI excels at analyzing large datasets to surface insights, recommendations, and predictions. Tools like PaveAI automate reporting in Google Analytics, providing real-time insights. HubSpot and Salesforce also offer AI-driven analytics features. These tools can perform complex data analysis tasks faster and more accurately than human analysts, making some data analysis roles redundant.

Repetitive Tasks

Any job that involves repetitive tasks is at risk of automation. For example, Automated Insights can generate data-driven narratives at scale, and Phrasee writes email subject lines better than humans. These tools free up marketers to focus on more strategic activities, but they also reduce the need for roles focused solely on these repetitive tasks.

Predictive Lead Scoring

Predictive lead scoring involves analyzing data to determine which leads are most likely to convert. AI systems can handle this task efficiently. HubSpot and Salesforce have integrated predictive lead scoring into their platforms, making it easier for sales teams to prioritize leads without manual intervention.

AI-Powered Content Recommendations

AI can also automate content recommendations. For instance, AI algorithms can analyze user behavior and preferences to suggest relevant content. This capability is integrated into platforms like HubSpot, helping marketers deliver personalized experiences without manual effort.

In the next section, we’ll discuss marketing jobs that are less likely to be automated and will remain human-centric.

Jobs Unlikely to Be Automated

While AI and automation are transforming many aspects of marketing, some jobs are less likely to be replaced by machines. Let’s explore why roles like marketing managers, which require creativity, interpersonal skills, empathy, strategic decision-making, and relationship building, are here to stay.

Marketing Managers

Marketing managers are at the forefront of creating and executing marketing strategies. They need to understand market trends, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes. This role demands a high level of creativity and strategic decision-making that AI cannot replicate.

Creativity and Original Ideas

Marketing often involves brainstorming and developing original ideas for campaigns. AI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E can assist by generating content based on existing data, but they cannot create truly original ideas. As noted in the research, AI “can’t come up with wholly original ideas because it relies on the ideas and findings of others.”

Interpersonal Skills and Empathy

Building and maintaining relationships with clients, team members, and stakeholders is crucial for marketing managers. These relationships are built on empathy and interpersonal skills, which AI lacks. AI might help with data analysis or task automation, but it cannot replace the human touch required for meaningful interactions.

Strategic Decision-Making

Marketing managers make decisions that can significantly impact a company’s direction and success. These decisions often involve complex problem-solving and critical thinking, areas where AI still falls short. AI can provide data and insights, but the final strategic decisions require human judgment.

Relationship Building

A significant part of marketing is about connecting with people. Whether it’s engaging with customers, negotiating deals, or collaborating with team members, relationship building is a human-centric activity. AI can assist by providing data and automating repetitive tasks, but it cannot build trust and rapport the way humans can.

In summary, while AI and automation can enhance many aspects of marketing, roles that require creativity, empathy, strategic decision-making, and interpersonal skills are less likely to be automated. These human-centric skills are irreplaceable and will continue to be essential in the marketing industry.

In the next section, we’ll discuss how you can future-proof your marketing career by embracing AI tools and continuing your education.

How to Future-Proof Your Marketing Career

1. Proactively Experiment with AI Tools

To stay relevant in the evolving landscape of marketing, it’s crucial to get hands-on with AI tools. Many AI platforms offer free trials or demos, making it easy to start experimenting. For example, PaveAI can automate your Google Analytics reporting, freeing up your time to add unique insights that only you can provide.

By integrating AI into your workflow, you create additional value for your organization. This not only makes your job more secure but also positions you as a forward-thinking professional.

2. Invest in AI Education

AI is still in its early stages, making now the perfect time to learn its foundational concepts. A basic understanding of AI terminology, potential applications, and some beginner courses can go a long way. Here are some resources to get you started:

By educating yourself, you’ll be better equipped to identify how AI can impact your role and how to leverage it effectively.

3. Become Your Organization’s AI Champion

Leading the charge for AI transformation within your organization can significantly future-proof your career. The right AI implementations can improve marketing performance and productivity. By spearheading this change, you’ll be at the forefront when AI begins to transform marketing.

One way to start is by identifying real use cases for AI technologies. For example, HubSpot and Salesforce offer AI-driven features that can streamline various marketing tasks. Familiarize yourself with these tools and advocate for their adoption within your team.

4. Understand AI Terminology and Concepts

Knowing the jargon and concepts related to AI will help you navigate conversations about technology more effectively. Terms like “machine learning,” “natural language processing,” and “predictive analytics” are becoming increasingly common in marketing discussions. Understanding these will make you more confident and competent in your role.

5. Take AI Courses

There are numerous online courses available that can help you get up to speed with AI technologies. For instance, Google Cloud offers courses on marketing AI and automation. IBM provides tutorials on using AI for customer segmentation and personalized content creation.

Additionally, many universities are now offering courses in marketing AI. If you’re a student, consider enrolling in one of these programs to gain a comprehensive understanding.

AI marketing course - will marketing be automated

6. Experiment with AI Tools

Don’t just learn about AI—use it! Tools like PaveAI, HubSpot, and Salesforce offer practical applications that can enhance your marketing efforts. By integrating these tools into your workflow, you’ll not only improve your efficiency but also gain valuable insights into how AI can be used to drive results.

7. Stay Updated with Industry Trends

AI and automation are rapidly evolving fields. Staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is crucial. Follow industry leaders on platforms like LinkedIn, subscribe to relevant newsletters, and participate in webinars and conferences.

By keeping yourself informed, you’ll be better prepared to adapt to changes and leverage new opportunities as they arise.

In the next section, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about marketing automation and its impact on your career.

Frequently Asked Questions about Marketing Automation

Will AI replace digital marketers?

While AI will automate many tasks, it won’t replace digital marketers entirely. AI excels at handling repetitive tasks, analyzing data, and making predictions. Tools like Phrasee can write better email subject lines, and PaveAI automates Google Analytics reporting.

However, digital marketing requires creativity, empathy, and strategic decision-making—skills that AI lacks. For instance, AI can provide insights, but human marketers are needed to interpret these insights and craft compelling stories.

Is marketing at risk of AI?

Certain aspects of marketing are at risk of automation, especially those involving repetitive tasks. For example, jobs like telemarketers and advertising salespeople might be among the first to be automated due to their routine nature. According to HubSpot, predictive lead scoring and AI-powered content recommendations are already integrated into marketing platforms.

Yet, roles that require interpersonal skills, creativity, and strategic thinking are less likely to be replaced. Marketing managers, for example, have a low automation risk of 18% due to the complex problem-solving and emotional intelligence required.

Will AI replace email marketers?

AI will significantly change how email marketing is done but won’t replace email marketers altogether. AI tools can automate and optimize many aspects of email marketing, from crafting subject lines to personalizing content. According to Cleartail Marketing, email marketing remains one of the most profitable strategies, and automation can enhance its effectiveness.

However, the human touch is crucial for building relationships and understanding customer nuances. Marketers will need to work alongside AI to create engaging, personalized email campaigns that resonate with their audience.

In the next section, we’ll explore how you can future-proof your marketing career by embracing AI and staying updated with industry trends.


As we navigate the changing landscape of marketing, it’s clear that AI is here to stay. Rather than fearing the unknown, we should embrace AI as a transformative tool that can enhance our capabilities and drive better results.

At Cleartail Marketing, we believe in using AI ethically and responsibly. This means ensuring that the data we use is clean, unbiased, and used in ways that respect customer privacy. While AI can handle repetitive tasks and data analysis, the human element remains irreplaceable. AI lacks the empathy, creativity, and nuanced understanding that only humans can provide.

The future of marketing jobs will likely see a shift rather than a complete overhaul. Roles that involve repetitive tasks, like telemarketing and data analysis, may be automated. However, positions that require strategic thinking, creativity, and relationship-building—such as marketing managers and content creators—will continue to thrive. These roles will benefit from AI by offloading mundane tasks, allowing marketers to focus on more impactful work.

In conclusion, AI is not a threat but an opportunity. By integrating AI into our marketing strategies, we can achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness. However, this must be done thoughtfully, with a focus on ethical practices and maintaining the human touch that is so vital to successful marketing.

Ready to take your marketing automation to the next level? Learn more about how Cleartail Marketing can help you harness the power of AI responsibly and effectively.

By embracing AI and using it responsibly, we can look forward to a future where marketing is not only more efficient but also more human. Let’s harness this technology to create a better, more connected world.

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